01 Aug 2018

Support Services Mini Expo
Quirindi High School, Support Unit are hosting a Support Services mini expo open to the community on Friday August 3.
The expo will feature 14 Service providers who all operate under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
School Students can attend from 11 am—12 pm and Community Members can attend from 12pm—1 pm. Community Members to enter through Abbott Street gate.
"We held the event last year for parents and carers of local school students. It was such a successful event we now have to hold the event in the High School's Multipurpose Hall and we are extending the invitation to community members," said Head Teacher, Support, Mrs Radoll.
The expo will see Quirindi High School Support students welcoming and ushering attendees.
"It is also a wonderful opportunity for our Support Students to meet and greet guests to the school. We will be providing a morning tea for those who attend," continued Mrs Radoll.
Support Service providers will have the opportunity to answer enquires and hand out information direct to the public as the event.
"We are pleased to offer this mini expo to our community who do so much to assist our Support Unit students," said Mrs Radoll.
Support Services on the day will include: Ability Links, Brighter Access, Challenge, Department Fair Trading, Disability Advocacy, House with No Steps, Joblink Plus, Jobs Australia, Kirinari, St Vincent de Paul LAC, Lifestyle Solutions, Sunnyfield, We Care Disability services and Youth Mental Health project – Mental Health Services.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for Australians with disability, their families and carers.
The NDIS will provide about 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life.
As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.
"The NDIS supports people with disability to build skills and capability so they can participate in the community and employment," continued Mrs Radoll.
The NDIS also helps people with disability to access mainstream services and supports.
"We are looking forward to hosting 14 Support Service providers
These are the services available for all Australians from people like doctors or teachers through the health and education systems. It also covers areas like public housing and the justice and aged care systems.
The NIDS helps people with disability access community services and supports. These are activities and services available to everyone in a community, such as sports clubs, community groups, libraries or charities.
The NDIS also helps people with disability to maintain informal support arrangements. This is help people get from their family and friends. It is support people don't pay for and is generally part of most people's lives.
The NDIS can pay for supports that are reasonable and necessary. This means they are related to a person's disability and are required for them to live an ordinary life and achieve their goals.
Assistance from the NDIS is not means tested and has no impact on income support such as the Disability Support Pension and Carers Allowance.
For More information contact Quirindi. High School, Mrs Radoll on 6746 117.