Quirindi High School

Work and Truth - Enabling 21st Century Learners

Telephone02 6746 1177


Bibliographies and Referencing

A bibliography is a list of resources you have used in your research.


The aim of a bibliography is:

  • To show where you obtained information and acknowledge your sources
  • To allow your readers to find this information if they need to   


Well known methods include the American Psychological Association (APA) and Harvard (better known as they author-date system.

Always check with your teacher to find out which system they want you to use

Know your terminology

In-text referencing - acknowledging sources of information within the body of your work.

Bibliography or reference list - a listing of sources of information which is included at the end of your work.

Bibliography - a complete listing of all sources of information which were relevant to the topic - even if you did not refer to them in your report or essay.

Reference list - a listing of all the sources of information that you referred to in your essay or report. Items on your reference list must also appear in your in-text referencing.