Quirindi High School

Work and Truth - Enabling 21st Century Learners

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A joyous busload of QHS students are making their way back from Tamworth after four of our students Indiah Nean, McKenzie Mizzi, Keenan Davis and Molly Owen took out the title of Regional Debating Champions in the Premier's Debating Challenge earlier today.
The awesome foursome, were supported by eight of their QHS peers at the exceptional debate against former Regional Finalists, Armidale High School.
The debate saw QHS for the affirmative, on the topic ‘Homework should be scrapped’.
“The adjudicator said it was very close and one of the best debates he has ever seen and it was at the high level deserving of a Regional Final,” said teacher and Coach Mrs Stenner.
The students have now qualified to represent QHS at the State Finals to be held over three days in Sydney next week.
“The team was cohesive, they had a well-planned argument and stuck to the correct debating structure, which is one reason for them taking the win today,” continued Mrs Stenner.
Student, Indiah Nean said the team found the debate really enjoyable and a positive experience.
“Our team line was ‘Get homework off our minds, as it is a waste of our time’ and we stated that it creates stress for teachers and students and talked about how students have the ability to cheat with homework as this is not supervised by teachers.
The students added today was also great experience against Armidale High School - who had been to State Finals in 2017.
“Armidale were fantastic today and very generous afterwards as they gave us some great tips in regards to our next round,” said Molly Owen.
“We are all proud of their accomplishment and to see how they have developed through the competition as per taking the adjudicators feedback and developing as a team,” added Mrs Stenner.
Fellow debating Coach Mr Owen, continued … “It goes to show you what hard-work, grit and determination from a small school can achieve as we are up against schools that are a lot bigger than us.”
Congratulations to our Regional Champion debate winners for 2018.
We wish you every success with the next round. 
If you would like to join QHS debating for 2019, please see Mrs Stenner or Mr Owen.

CAPTION: Keenan Davis, McKenzie Mizzi, Indiah Nean from Quirindi High School – Adjudicator Mr Rob Lewis – back. Four Students from Armidale high School – names not given.