Quirindi High School

Work and Truth - Enabling 21st Century Learners

Telephone02 6746 1177




QHS Captains Bridget Swain and Angus Nicholls met with Dallas Clarke from the Quirindi Rotary Club when he delivered donations to QHS today.

Thank you to the Rotary Club of Quirindi for coordinating the generous donations of books, highlighters and other school supplies to QHS - gifted by the Newington Public School.

QHS are also the recipients of funds raised and donated by the Rotary Club of Concord for QHS to assist students.

The QHS community is exceptionally grateful for these donations that will go towards our students, including those whose families are experiencing hardship during this, the worst drought in over a Century. The ongoing empathy and generosity of those unknown to us, continues to lift our spirits.

The QHS Welfare committee will be meeting next week to determine how best to utilise the generous donations.

Every donation is a gift! Thank you.