Quirindi High School

Work and Truth - Enabling 21st Century Learners

Telephone02 6746 1177




QHS students, Nicholas Boorer, Blake Newbold, John Reedy, Max McMahon, Harry Parker, Ronan Shaw, Rowan Morgan, Tyler Summers and Ashton Richardson had a busy day as part of today’s industry visit.

Students visited both Austam Homes and Obeico Tamworth for an insight into the Construction Industry.

Representatives from both organisations gave their valuable time and expertise to speak to student on the different career opportunities within the industry.

Apprentices also presented to the students, explaining choices they made to enter the industry and the realities of being an apprentice.

“Big take-aways for the students, included: students need to pick up as much work experience as they can before entering the industry, so they attain a realistic idea of what is involved,” said QHS Careers Advisor Ms Saunders, who coordinated today’s opportunity.

“Students were also encouraged to enter an industry they are going to enjoy and to choose subjects that are related to the industry, including Metal Fabrication, Maths, Design and Technology, Construction and English as well as any trade-based TAFE courses.”

Thank you to Austam Homes and Obeico Tamworth for hosting our school today and to Ms Saunders for organising these successful career industry visits.