Quirindi High School

Work and Truth - Enabling 21st Century Learners

Telephone02 6746 1177




On 25 April 1915, members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed at Gallipoli. On the anniversary of this day each year we come together to honour the service and sacrifice of all our veterans.

QHS would like to acknowledge the sacrifices of all our veterans as students and teachers attended a range of community ANZAC Day services across the shire.

QHS, Captain, Ella Worley wrote and presented the below speech on behalf of all QHS students, teachers and staff and the wider communities at the Quirindi Service.

Yaama,  Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather together on Anzac Day to honour and remember the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for our nation.

This day marks the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli during World War I, but it has come to represent much more than just one battle. It is a day to remember all those who have served and died in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

Anzac Day is a day of reflection, of gratitude and of remembrance. It is a day to pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and to recognize the courage, dedication and loyalty of all those who have served in the defence of our freedoms.

We honour ANZAC Day by coming together to remember and reflect. We march, we listen and give up a small part of our day to do this. Maintaining this tradition and encouraging youth to be involved is important so the horrors of war remain in the front of our minds into our future as we become the ones to lead our nation. Our remembrance today is so important in helping us maintain a focus on trying to maintain a peaceful future.

Unfortunately, as we look around the world today, we see that it is not always possible to avoid war. We see what has happened in Ukraine, in Sudan and the tensions in our own region. Our remembrance today gives us the opportunity to reflect on this and remember the very real cost of war which can sometimes seem far removed when viewed through the media.

Remembering the sacrifices made by those involved in conflict and peacekeeping missions will hopefully help future generations avoid war wherever possible. Our service men and women are like each of us, ordinary people but they have chosen to do extraordinary things to allow us to live in the free and unencumbered way we do.

Today, we remember the ANZACS and all those who have served and do serve. We acknowledge their sacrifices to allow us to maintain our way of life and we make sure the future generations play their role in maintaining this reflection and recognition.

"Lest We Forget."

by Ella Worley