Some different search engines to try
For more information, please visit dogpile.
Dogpile searches other search engines such as Google, Ask! And Bing to bring you the best of the web in one result list.
To access the search engine, visit duckduckgo.
Duckduckgo is a search engine that does not track you. It respects your privacy. You can search for anything - imagines, news, places, etc. Give duckduckgo a try for a different searching experience.
For more information, please visit boolify.
Boolify allows you to create your own search. You drag "word or phrase" piece into the box and add a keyword. Then you can modify your search by adding other pieces like "Not", "OR", "AND" to combine it with other keywords.
Using BOOLEAN terms in your searches
Boolean Terms: Search engines use Boolean logic terms AND, OR and NOT to allow you to combine elements of a search. The plus sign (+) may be used instead of AND, the minus sign (-) can replace NOT.
Using boolean terms helps to maximize your searches.
Example, If you were searching for information for a project on the fat content of certain types of foods, you might use a variety of Boolean terms in your search. You could enter fat+content+foods
If you did not want a certain type of food included, you could enter fat+content+food-meat.
Try using boolean terms the next time you are searching for a topic.
Remember, when searching, use more than ONE term in your search. You will get better and safer results.
For more information, please visit noodletools.
Are you looking for some different search engines other than Google?
Try the noodletools website click on "choose the best search" tools. You will be provided with a variety of different search engines + a brief annotation.
Please visit sweetsearch for more information.
This search engine gives you similar results to Google but it also gives you new ones as well.
For more information, please visit trove website.
Trove is a search engine focusing on Australia and Australians. It is managed by the National Library of Australia. You can search books, images, historic newspapers, maps, archives and more.
To gain more out of your searching, you can join Trove and it is free to register.
The Trove team have just published nine new screencasts detailing every aspect of the system - including advanced search, creating lists, the forum + more.
For the full list of screencasts, visit their youtube channel and subscribe.
Google advanced search
Google advanced search provides you with more options to refine your search.